Reference projects
Projects under development
Suspended projects
- Library for Bungie.Net API data processing (F#, xUnit, FsCheck, Expecto)
Desktop and console applications
- Webscraper and timetable downloader, console app (F#, T-SQL)
- Various desktop and console applications for reorganizing, number checking, verifying and sorting jpg files and folders during digitization of archival documentation (F#, Elmish.WPF, FsXaml, Google Sheets API, C#, WPF MVVM Prism, XAML, Wix, C++, and T-SQL)
- Bulk creation and styling of documentation metadata files (C#, XML/XSLT/RTF, Saxon, and PDF File Writer)
- Various helpers running in the background for facilitating work with remote PCs in archives (C# + Windows API + WinForms)
- Client for calling Web API (C# + WPF MVVM Prism)
- Personal bilingual dictionary (C# + VB.NET + WinForms)
Web pages (GUIs adapted from HTML/CSS templates) and applications